PROVEN SOLUTIONS is part of your team long after your software is selected.
On-site training & implementation Assistance – Leveraging the functionality and flexibility of your technology is critical for realizing the maximum return on your investment. We stand by you to ensure your team is confident and well trained on their new system. We offer several ways to bring your staff up to speed on the power of AMSI solutions. Training is also available online.
Follow-up training – Our training is designed to provide in depth knowledge for new users, a refinement of skills in specific areas for experienced users or users of individual modules, and is ideal for cross-training staff in additional processes.
Repeat Customers – Some of our continuing client relationships go back well over 20 years, and several clients have looked to us for software two and three times as they have changed companies in this industry.
Ongoing Seminars – We conduct Training Seminars periodically on various aspects of the software, with a “hands-on” experience for users from several companies. Attendees also benefit from sharing what they have learned with other participants. Please email us for information on the next scheduled Seminar.
Users Groups – National and Regional meetings are held to share new product enhancements, panel discussions & update training.